Midgard Wiki

A typical outlander

Outlanders, sometimes refered to as Outerlanders, are people who do not follow the Fremennik way. Outlanders are generaly abusive, disrespectful and lack a general sense of honour. Outlanders are untrusted by Fremennik of all kinds, some Fremennik refuse to even speak to them.

Outlanders generally smell of bad eggs.

(To whoever edited this and added the racist comment: Just to let you know I don't tolerate racial prejudice in my clan. The second I find out who added that comment, mark my words, you shall be reprimanded.)


Originally all outlanders were once Fremennik. When man first came to the lands of Gielinor; they were all Fremennik and followed the Fremennik ways. They lived a happy, nomadic life, never staying in one place for too long. However, some tribesman grew weary of constant travel and built themselves a permanent home, Rellekka. This caused a massive dispute, and resulted in war between those who still moved around and those who had remained with permenant homes. This resulted in Fremennik being driven to the coast line and outlanders taking home in the centre of the lands.

One day, a seer names V stumbled across a cave full of strange rocks. These stones could be mined, without depleating the source and imbued with magical power! Some Fremennik believed in using these stones to defend themselves, others thought the use of them was stealing from the gods. The council voted that the use of the stones was not in the best interest of the Fremennik, however, some people continued to use the stones and even created altars to them. The Fremennik council ruled this to be going too far and banished the ones who abused the gods power. As a result, Outlanders came to be.

Common Traits Amongst Outlanders[]


Outlander murdering the guards that protect them


Outlander trapping a defenceless monk

Although not all outlanders are the same, a large amount tend to act in a dishonourable way.

Examples of this include the murder of their own people for the gain of experience and/or items. This is often also done in an dishonourable manner by refusing to fight their opponent in fair combat and instead trapping their defenceless victims behind objects before brutaly murdering them using ranged or magic attacks.

Outlanders often care for themselves and not for anyone amongst them, resulting in the saying "look after number 1". Due to this they often ruin many things, such as prices on the Grand Exchange through their greed (Price manipulation clans).

Large groups of outlanders known as "Pures" foolishly refuse to train Defence and only train Attack and Strength and sometimes only Strength! They do this in an atempt to gain an unfair advantage in PVP due to the level restrictions in PVP worlds. In any other form of combat though, Pures are about as useful as a poo flavoured lollypop, and can be slain easily due to their lack of defence.
